• Omregn.nu | an AngularJS side project

    Omregn.nu | an AngularJS side project

    I finally got around to deploying the AngularJS version of omregn.nu. Omregn.nu is a web app for converting units. The web app exists in an extremely crowded space and is by no means anything new. Omregn.nu has one thing going for it though, it’s mobile friendly. However, all of that doesn’t matter; the main purpose of…

  • Vector Racer 0.3 – Responsive canvas

    Vector Racer 0.3 – Responsive canvas

    Vector Racer has reached version 0.3 and the major improvement in this release is the mobile UI.

  • Vector Racer 0.25 – Mobile Controls

    Version 0.25 of Vector Racer offers the first implementation of a mobile interface via on screen buttons. The buttons do not work perfectly – far from it – but they do provide a means to play on mobile devices. That’s the short update of today. Enjoy. PLAY NOW

  • Vector Racer 0.2 – #winning

    Vector Racer 0.2 – #winning

    Vector Racer 0.2 is out! And I’m glad to say that I’ve solved the two primary issues in version 0.1: Detecting collisions if the player path crosses an obstacle Determining when a player does a lap So now, you are actually able to win the game! And you are able to determine if you’re better…

  • Vector Racer 0.1

    Vector Racer 0.1

    I’ve just started developing a vector racing game. Check it out here: http://martinove.dk/games/vectorracer/

  • HTML for webredaktører

    Webredaktører oplever det hver dag. Der er kopieret tekst ind på hjemmesiden, og uanset hvad du gør, bliver der ved med at dukke andre skrifttyper, størrelser, afstande, farver, m.m. op i teksten. Funktionerne i CMS’ets editor til at rydde formatering hjælper ikke, og problemet består, uanset hvad du gør. Til sidst spørger du den nærmeste,…

  • JavaScript game – yay!

    Yay! My first JavaScript game – sort of. Basically I saw a video of Mary Rose Cook live coding Space Invaders in 30 minutes and wanted to get my fingers dirty. I thought the programming was awesome and I wanted to get some practice by replicating it, so I did. After that, I started improving…

  • Solved: Unable to format disk on dlink NAS

    Here’s the deal: I wanted to extend the standard configuration on my dlink DNS-320L by adding a second disk to form a RAID1. The biggest problem was to format the new disk. No matter what I did, the button saying “Set RAID and re-format” in the dlink management software was greyed out. I tried shutting…

  • Events in and out of Google Maps

    Google Maps allows for events to affect the website surrounding it and vice versa. Here’s an example and some pointers on how to do it yourself.

  • Bye bye, text bubble in Google Maps