It takes about two seconds to set up a feed for your Twitter mentions.
By: Martin Ove
[tweetmeme]If you’re reading this, you probably use a client for Twitter like Seesmic or Tweetdeck on your desktop or some other client on your smartphone. In that case, you probably never overlook a mention on Twitter.
However, if you want to be absolutely sure not to miss a mention, why not create a RSS feed for it?
It might be useful to have them all in one place if you use a lot of different devices. It might also help you scan them all and mark those which need a reply and so forth.
If you’re familiar with RSS, this won’t take you a second.
Go to -> type @username -> press “Feed for this query”
That’s it, you’ve got your feed. Now subscribe to it in your RSS reader of choice.
What the….?
This is a sidenote really, but it surprised me.
Apparently the feed function is no longer part of the normal Twitter search. I just discovered this while doing this post.
Try it out by going to and use the search function on the frontpage.
Why would they disable such a killer feature?
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